How Not to Study Tolkien
Three books came out recently which are meant to be introductoryapproaches to Tolkien, aimed at the market for high
school and public libraries. Two of them are pretty
poor efforts, and the third is more interesting, but I'm
not sure how successful it is.
The first two are both edited under the auspices of Harold Bloom,
the well-known and rather bombastic literary critic.
Both books are the latest entries in two large series of
books, edited by Bloom and published by Chelsea House.
The first, in the series Modern Critical Views, is
titled simply J.
R. R. Tolkien ($34.95, ISBN 0-7910-5660-0). The
second, in the series Modern Critical Interpretations,
is called J.
R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings ($34.95, ISBN
0-7910-5665-1), and concerns itself mainly with
Tolkien's masterpiece. Bloom himself has contributed
only about two pages of material (as introductions, and
editor's notes) to each book, while the remaining
contents are made up of excerpts from previously
published books and articles. Both volumes are greatly
click on the images to see them close-up
The first one,
J. R. R. Tolkien, contains ten articles or excerpts, dating
from books published between 1968 and 1984, with most of the
criticism from the 1970s. Some of these books (like Paul
Master of Middle-earth
, dating from 1972), were excellent books in
their times, but they have been long superceded. Others remain
more as curiosities (like Timothy O'Neill's Jungian
The Individuated Hobbit
, published in 1979), while the rationale
for using a biographical section from Daniel Grotta-Kurska's
uninspired and tedious biography of Tolkien, instead Humphrey
Carpenter's entertaining and far more informative book, is
beyond me. The section for T.A. Shippey's
Road to Middle-earth
(1982), is probably the best and most
insightful piece in this volume, but it is merely a section from
a very interesting full-length study that should be read in its
What really palls is Harold Bloom's attitude -- a sort of weary sneer.
In his Editor's note, he refers to Tom Bombadil "who is
a bore" in the same sentence that he misspells Shelob as
"Shelab," then he describes Timothy O'Neill as
compounding "poor Tolkien with Carl Gustav Jung," and
follows this up by calling the mythology of The
Silmarillion "rather dense." All in the space of a few
sentences. Bloom's introduction centers mainly on The
Hobbit (parts of which Bloom actually seems to have
enjoyed), but Bloom gives us the magnanimous prediction
that he suspects "The Lord of the Rings is fated to
become only an intricate Period Piece, while The Hobbit
may well survive as Children's Literature."
click on the images to see them close-up
The second book,
J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
, has a really awful cover -- sort of a 1960s
drug-induced fantasia of what might be
interpreted as a hobbit hole. It contains nine
excerpts or essays dating from 1968 through
1981 (though the last essay comes from a
revised 1988 edition of a 1981 book). At least
in this volume an excerpt from Humphrey
Carpenter's biography appears instead of from
Daniel Grotta-Kurska's. But again Bloom's smug
attitude sets the stage for his curious
selections. He evidently chose a piece by Hugh
T. Keenan because he thinks it "analyzes the
literary flaws of the trilogy." Bloom, in
his introduction, calls Roger Sale (who wrote
on Tolkien only in the 1960s) "Tolkien's
best critic," and observes:
Sale accurately observes that
the trilogy purports to be a quest but is
actually a descent into hell. Whether a
visionary descent into hell can be rendered
persuasively in language that is acutely
self-conscious, even arch, seems to me a hard
question. I am fond of The Hobbit, which is
rarely pretentious, but The Lord of the Rings
seems to me inflated, over-written, tendentious
and moralistic in the extreme. Is it not a
giant Period Piece? . . . I am not able to
understand how a skilled and mature reader can
absorb about fifteen hundred pages of this
quaint stuff. . . . Sometimes, reading
Tolkien, I am reminded of the Book of Mormon.
Tolkien met a need, particularly in the early
days of the Counter-culture, in the later
1960s. Whether he is an author for the coming
century seems to me open to some
Harold Bloom is still
lost in the mindset that views Tolkien as a
phenomenon of the 1960s, as an aberration that
spoke to the hippie generation. He is
completely unsympathetic to the older
literatures (Anglo-Saxon and Norse) that
inspired Tolkien, and which led Tolkien to
reconstruct heroic romance into a modern genre.
And he seems completely unaware of all of the
work that has been done on Tolkien, including
Christopher Tolkien's marvelous twelve volume
series on The History of Middle-earth, since
the early 1980s. Bloom is simply twenty years
(or more) out of date, and living in the
critical past, unwilling or unable to look
beyond his long-standing biases. Whether Bloom
himself is a critic for the coming century
seems to me open to some doubt.
click on the images to see them close-up
The third of these recent guidebooks is part of the Greenhaven
Press Literary Companion Series. It is called Readings
on J. R. R. Tolkien, and is edited by Katie de Koster
($21.96, ISBN 0-7377-0245-1). Compared to Harold Bloom,
it is like a breath of fresh air, and while it is easily
the best of the three volumes considered here, it still
has considerable problems of conception and execution.
Yet even solely on the basis of its physical appearance,
with the very nice photograph of Tolkien on the cover,
it stands out as pleasing compared to the Harold Bloom
volumes. It contains some fifteen extracts, plus a
long, original biographical piece on Tolkien, presumably
by the editor. The pieces range in date from 1968
through 1997, when Patrick Curry's worthwhile but
slightly glib Defending
Middle-earth appeared. However,
a note states that "the articles in this volume may have
been edited for content, length, and/or reading level.
The titles have been changed to enhance the editorial
purpose." For example, Edmund Wilson's infamous
denunciation of Tolkien, "Oo, Those Awful Orcs,"
appears here under the title "The Lord of the Rings is
Greatly Overrated." Such editorial meddling, and
shortening, is really not necessary.
Volumes like these three, made up predominately of excerpts from
other books, are really a mishmash, designed to give
high school students a few more references to crib from
for their assigned papers. A single reading of a source
like Humphrey Carpenter's biography
of Tolkien, or
T.A. Shippey's The
Road to Middle-earth , or better yet
Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien (a seminal book which
Bloom seems blissfully unaware of), will give anyone a
much greater understanding and appreciation of Tolkien
than any one of these books. In the end, some of the
pieces within these three volumes are worthwhile,
especially if they happen to encourage readers to search
elsewhere for better and more extensive (and up-to-date)
considerations. But if one wants to learn more about
J. R. R. Tolkien and what he was really doing with his
world of Middle-earth, these are not the books to start