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[ Green Books - Exploring the Words and Worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien ] [ Green Books ]
  http://greenbooks.theonering.net/ Next Update: May 2006  

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Welcome to the Green Books of Middle-earth! Not to be confused with the Red Book of Westmarch, we are just pilgrims on the Tolkien trail, exploring the history, people, and events of all the ages of Middle-earth, the Blessed Realm, and the lands that lie beneath the wave. Whether you need to know more about the Elvish languages, find out what new editions of old favorites are coming to market, read in-depth commentary on Tolkien’s thematic elements, or peruse fan-submitted original works or humor, Ostadan, Turgon, Quickbeam, Anwyn, and Tookish have a little something for everyone. In addition, Green Books is home to the overwhelmingly popular Questions & Answers. If you have a Tolkien question, conundrum, wonderment, or puzzler, the Green Books staff will rise to your challenge.

Quickbeam's Out on a Limb

Allow me to share my perspectives with you. But remember, things seem a bit different from where I sit. The air is a little thinner up here, after all.

Turgon's Bookshelf

Turgon's random comments on books by and about Tolkien from his very own Library in the hidden City of Gondolin.

Ostadan's Lore & Letters

Presenting in-depth exploration of Tolkien's remarkable legendarium, histories, and a few more things you may not know!

Anwyn's Counterpoint

Tolkien themes are Anwyn's favorite tune. Here you will find her views and theories on how Tolkien communicated his vision to the world.

Tookish's Ticklers

Lord of the Rings & J.R.R. Tolkien humor found here! Fan submissions, links, top ten lists, jokes, and yes... horrible puns to be found within. Not for the faint of heart.

Special Guest

Spotlighting guest columnists-- and covering a potpourri of Tolkien topics.

Questions & Answers
Green Books Staff

While we can't claim to know what was going through Tolkien's mind when he wrote his mythology, we can do our best to show you how anything that seems weird really does fit into the scheme of things.

Green Books Staff

Come and see how others in this workaday world have had their lives changed by the creations of J. R. R. T.

Moon Letters
Green Books Staff

Writing from you, the fans. The Green Books is proud to sponsor this section of Fan.TheOneRing.net.

Tolkien Trivia

Exactly what it sounds like! Come play the Professor's favorite trivial pursuit.

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The People's Guide to J.R.R. Tolkien

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The very first book from the Green Books staff!
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Featured Reading 2

The Tolkien Fan's Medieval Reader

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By Turgon of TheOneRing.net
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