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\[ Special Guest \]

Here we introduce many voices from the broad spectrum of the Tolkien community. This continuing series will feature a different Guest writer in every installment, each tackling a unique subject. If you'd like to be a Guest and submit an idea for a future piece, please send an email to Turgon & Quickbeam at: specialguest@theonering.net.

The Science of Middle-earth: Something Wicked This Way Comes
- Olog-Hai

No Tolkienian tale is complete without spiders inflated to gigantic size, yet nobody has come up with a satisfactory explanation of Tolkien's evident preoccupation with spiders. Stories of an encounter with a tarantula while an infant in South Africa (1) do not seem very convincing. In The Science of Middle-earth (2) I supposed that spiders might exemplify a kind of evil both independent from and more ancient than that represented by Morgoth or Sauron. Tolkien would have known of the heartlessly voracious nature of female spiders in particular, and their habit of consuming their mates. It is perhaps no coincidence that those spiders to whom Tolkien awards names (Shelob and Ungoliant) are -- pointedly -- female, and this, together with their obvious independence from the Dark Powers, makes them more than just spiders, but vamps: Cleopatra or Rebecca, in spider form.

[full article]

The Science of Middle-earth: Something Wicked This Way Comes 02/22/06
The Science of Middle-earth: The Great Wave 05/25/05
The Science of Middle-earth: Sex and the Single Orc 04/13/05
The Science of Middle-earth: The Kine of Araw 01/20/05
A Postscript on the Nine Walkers 08/11/04
The Science of Middle-earth: Melanism and Middle-earth 08/11/04
Hearing the horns of Rohan 06/02/04
The Eternal Conflict in Middle-earth: from Literature to Film 06/02/04
Hearing the horns of Rohan 06/02/04
The Eternal Conflict in Middle-earth: from Literature to Film 06/02/04
The Science of Middle-earth -- How High the Mallorn? 05/05/04
Lost in Translation? The Lord of the Rings in Russian 05/05/04
The Science of Middle-earth -- O, for the Wings of a Balrog 02/24/04
Myth, Judgement, and the Jackson Way: The Review of Reviews 02/24/04
The Science of Middle-earth -- The Laboratory of Fëanor 12/01/03
What Tolkien Saw: Part Two -- Truth, Glory and Applicability 12/01/03
What Tolkien Saw: Part One -- Entropy, Hubris, and Hope 10/30/03
The Science of Middle-earth -- Making Mithril 10/30/03
"There and Back Again" -- A Survivor's Story 09/15/03
The Science of Middle-earth -- Hawk-Flights of Imagination 09/15/03
Power in the Name 08/15/03
The Science of Middle-earth -- Keen are the Eyes of the Elves 08/15/03
The Science of Middle-earth -- An Ongoing Series 07/15/03
The Enemy is Moving...and He is Us 04/01/03
Q&A with Verlyn Flieger 10/01/02
Beowulf Lives! Or Why Would a Nice Professor Like Tolkien Tell Stories about Nasty Monsters 08/01/02
The Tolkien Effect: using the work of J.R.R. Tolkien to inspire children to read 08/01/02
How Much Was Rowling Inspired by Tolkien? 05/01/02
"On the Wings of a Revisionist" 04/01/02
JRR Tolkien and World War I 04/01/02
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring Movie Review 02/01/02
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring Movie Review 02/01/02
Spiritual Lessons in 'Lord of the Rings' 12/01/01
"The Lord of the Rings" — An Archetypal Hero’s Journey 12/01/01
Mythcon 32 and Meeting Philippa Boyens 11/01/01
Lute - The Scrolls of Middle-earth 09/01/01
William Roper - Every Time A Bell Rings A Balrog Gets Its Wings? 08/01/01
Vastarion - That 70s Show: Tolkien Art Style 07/01/01
Edoardo Albert - Who is Tom Bombadil? 06/01/01
Kevin Roger Black - Where the Shadows Lie 05/01/01
Kara Gardner - Macho Men & Warrior Princesses 05/01/01
Éomer - Growing Up 04/01/01
Turumarth - Tolkien's Greatest Sleepers 04/01/01
Lúthien - Arwen's Defense 03/01/01
J. W. Braun - The Future of the Nine Walkers 02/01/01
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Current Article(s)
The Science of Middle-earth: Something Wicked This Way Comes

Past Guests
The Science of Middle-earth: The Great Wave
The Science of Middle-earth: Sex and the Single Orc
The Science of Middle-earth: The Kine of Araw
A Postscript on the Nine Walkers
The Science of Middle-earth: Melanism and Middle-earth<
Hearing the horns of Rohan
The Eternal Conflict in Middle-earth: from Literature to Film
The Science of Middle-earth -- How High the Mallorn?
Lost in Translation? The Lord of the Rings in Russian
The Science of Middle-earth -- O, for the Wings of a Balrog
Myth, Judgement, and the Jackson Way: The Review of Reviews
The Science of Middle-earth -- The Laboratory of Fëanor
What Tolkien Saw: Part Two -- Truth, Glory and Applicability
What Tolkien Saw: Part One -- Entropy, Hubris, and Hope
The Science of Middle-earth -- Making Mithril
"There and Back Again" -- A Survivor's Story
The Science of Middle-earth -- Hawk-Flights of Imagination
Power in the Name
The Science of Middle-earth -- Keen are the Eyes of the Elves
The Science of Middle-earth -- An Ongoing Series
The Enemy is Moving...and He is Us
Q&A with Verlyn Flieger
Beowulf Lives! Or Why Would a Nice Professor Like Tolkien Tell Stories about Nasty Monsters
- Christopher Garbowski
The Tolkien Effect: using the work of J.R.R. Tolkien to inspire children to read
- Annie White Owl
How Much Was Rowling Inspired by Tolkien?
- Caroline Monroe
"On the Wings of a Revisionist"
- Murray B.
JRR Tolkien and World War I
- Nancy Marie Ott
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring Movie Review
- Rajesh Shah
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring Movie Review
- Chris Peters
Spiritual Lessons in 'Lord of the Rings'
- Kevin Black
"The Lord of the Rings" — An Archetypal Hero’s Journey
- Jody G. Bower
Mythcon 32 and Meeting Philippa Boyens
- Thomas Kelley
Scrolls of Middle-earth
- Lute
Every Time A Bell Rings A Balrog Gets Its Wings?
- William Roper
That 70s Show: Tolkien Art Style
- Vastarion
Who is Tom Bombadil?
- Edoardo Albert
Where the Shadows Lie
- Kevin Roger Black
Macho Men & Warrior Princesses
- Kara Gardner
Growing Up
- Éomer
Tolkien's Greatest Sleepers
- Turumarth
Arwen's Defense
- Lúthien
The Future of the Nine Walkers
- J.W. Braun
Special Guest Home


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