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Men Are From Gondor, Women Are From Lothlórien

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Past Counterpoints
- Peter Jackson's The Return of the King: Humanity, Horror, Haste, Heroism - 03/25/04
- Anwyn's Non-Review of The Return of the King - 12/01/03
- Lord of the Comics - 09/15/03
- The Deplorable Cultus - 08/15/03
- The Hunted - 07/15/03
- MTV Has Landed - 06/15/03
- War and Peace: The Many Faces of Tolkien -- or are they? - 05/17/03
- Aftermath, Part Deux - 12/18/02
- Anwyn is from Lothlorien, Bill is from Mordor - 11/01/02
- Dr. Brad Birzer and Tolkiens Sanctifying Myth - 10/01/02
- Out On a Limb - 08/01/02
- Theres No Wrong Way
to read a Tolkien (or is there?) - 06/01/02
- Lucas and Jackson and Tolkien, Oh My - 05/01/02
- The Party - 04/01/02
- The Lay of Christopher of the Ten Fingers and the Mandolin of Dreams - 02/01/02
- Aftermath - 12/01/01
- Hollywood Approacheth. Do You Get It? - 11/01/01
- Fallout - 10/01/01
- Why Lord of the Rings Is Not Even One Novel, Much Less Three - 09/01/01
- Tolkien Geeks, Unite - 08/01/01
- Tolkien and Nature - 07/01/01
- Tolkien and Magic: The Power of Individuality - 06/01/01
- A New Direction For Tolkien Purism - 08/01/00
- Emotion and Commitment - 05/01/00
- Free Will and the Demands of Conscience - 04/01/00
- Fate, Obedience and Free Will - 03/01/00
- Men Are From Gondor, Women Are From Lothlórien - 11/10/99
- Justice, Mercy and Redemption - 09/12/99
- Good and Evil - 08/22/99
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