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New Years Resolutions - by TORnsibs Patty, Annael, vedhed, RosieLass, Kyriel, Steve D., Eledhwen

  • Boromir...The next time my brother has a dream and wants to follow it, I'll let HIM do it.
  • Celeborn...Whenever I start to open my mouth to speak I'll close it and let someone with a brain speak first.
  • Hama...The next time a wizard wants to keep his staff at the door I'll make him stay there with it.
  • Gimli..This year I'll stop falling for tall, gold haired women and stick to real gold.
  • Pippin...just because something is big and glows like a Christmas tree doesn't mean I need to get my hands on it.
  • Pippin...If I see a big hole in the floor this year I'll just assume it's deep and let it go at that.
  • Barliman...The next time I volunteer to be postman, I'll deliver, lest someone go postal on me!
  • Bombadil...From now on I'm gonna get myself a new agent, one with some clout!
  • Lobelia...Starting next year I'll push harder for what should be mine.
  • Maggot...Next time I see some stranger in my mushrooms I'll shoot first
-- Patty
  • Fatty Bolger: I won't volunteer to stay in the house alone when there are scary people around.
  • Elrond: Next time I'll remember that forbidding your child to do something just makes them want to do it more.
  • Gandalf: I will step OFF the bridge before I break it.
-- Annael
  • Feanor: I will not storm out of my anger management classes.
  • Saruman: I will CORRECTLY determine who the winning team will be before jumping on the bandwagon.
  • Shelob: I will quickly devour my meals before they have a chance to stab me with sharp, metallic objects.
-- vedhed
  • Gollum: I will save the victory celebration until I have moved at least ten feet away from the edge.
  • Sauron: I will put a guard around Mt. Orodruin.
  • Saruman: I will lock all valuable items away where that weasel Wormtongue can't get his sticky fingers on them.
  • Merry: I will wear a gas mask the next time I have to face down a Nazgul
  • Theoden: I will never put my trust in anyone named after a slimy invertebrate
  • Witch King: I will remember that the Rohirrim don't have a problem with women in the military
  • Arwen: Next time I'm dating someone in my own age range!
  • Saruman: I will treat my employees with more respect.
  • Ents and Entwives: I will pay more attention to my spouse's emotional needs.
  • Denethor: I will not believe everything I see in the media.
--Steve D
  • Frodo: next time Bilbo leaves me his legacy I'll refuse.
  • Pippin : next time a Guard of Minas Tirith suggests spending the day with his annoying son, I'll invent something else to do.

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