Narn i Chin Húrin - Pocket Edition -- !Spoilers! - Egleriel Baranaer
Túrin: I love you sis.
Everyone: We love you Urwen. Túrin is
Sador: You're a good kid.
Turin: I know. Take my priceless knife.
Sador: Okay.
Urwen dies. Everyone is sad. War. Hurin captured.
Morwen: Your father is dead. Go away.
Túrin: I'll miss you mama.
Goes to Doriath
Elwe: You can be my fosterson
Túrin: Okay.
Turin grows up.
Turin: I wanna be a soldier.
Elwe: Okay.
Goes to the marches. Comes back.
Saeros: That's my seat.
Turin: Tough.
Saeros: You're untidy.
Turin: Eat goblet.
Goes into the forest
Saeros: Now I've got you.
Saeros drops his sword.
Saeros: Crap.
Turin: Run.
Saeros: ****
Saeros dies.
Everyone: You killed Saeros. We hate you.
Turin: Oh no. I'm going off to be an outlaw.
Goes off to be an outlaw.
Mim: Don't kill me.
Outlaws: Okay. Give us your house.
Mim: Okay. I'll take you there.
Outlaws: This is a nice house.
Mim: My son is dead. No! You killed him!
Turin: Sorry.
Mim betrays them.
Outlaws: We hate you Mim.
. (Bit that confuses me)
Turin: oh no, Beleg I've killed you. I shall go to Nargothrond
Goes to Nargothrond.
Finduilas: I love you Edhelladan.
[someone]: His real name is Turin.
Turin: You shouldn't have said that, [someone].
Finduilas dies.
Turin: Noooo!
..[More confusing stuff]
Turin: I will go to Brethil.
Brethil-people: Hello. There's a dragon somewhere round here.
Glaurung: Daughter of Hurin I give you amnesia!
Niniel: Oh no.
Turin: Look a naked girl who doesn't know who she is.
Niniel: I love you Turin.
Turin: Marry me and have my child.
Niniel: Okay.
Brandir: I have a bad feeling about this.
Turin: Look, the dragon. I must slay it.
Mortally wounds Glaurung. Faints.
Niniel: Oh no, Turin is dead! The dragon has killed you!
Glaurung: He's your brother.
Niniel: No!
Glaurung: Yes. (Dies)
Niniel: I am evil. (Dies)
Turin: She is dead. No!
Brandir: Turin's dead. Good riddance.
Turin: I hate you.
Brandir: Ditto. (Dies)
Turin: I am a terrible person.
Gurthang: I know.
Turin: Cool, my sword can talk (Dies)
The End
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