If LotR were filmed by David Lynch - TORn Messageboard Regulars
- Frodo would be played by Kyle MacLachlan (is there a DL film he's not in????)
- Instead of the One Ring, Bilbo would find the One Ear
- Sauron wouldn't actually die, and in the end his spirit would posses Frodo.
- Sam being the tree-lover he is, would have an old log with him at all times, to ask for advice.
- Arwen would have a really high and annoying voice
- Instead of Lembas the Elves of Lorien would give them Donuts
- Frodo could make his way to Mount Doom on a lawnmower
- Aragorn would dance slowly with no one and no music would be playing
- Boromir would twitch a lot
- Overheard in the room next to the honeymoon suite on Aragorn and Arwen's wedding night 'F*** me elf mommy!!!'
- Treebeard would never actually move. He'd just be a tree. He'd never speak, either. There'd just be these long shots of this tree every so often.
- The orcs all wear lounge suits and pompadours
- The Nazgul sniff ether -- that's why their voices are so weird
- And of course, after the Ring goes into fire, Frodo and Sam would tap-dance out of Mordor to Tom Waits music...
- Saruman is hugely fat and covered in boils
- Not only does Bombadil remain in the movie, but he gets an extended, drug-induced vision all to himself
- "The crows are not what they seem."
- Rivendell = White Lodge, Barad Dur = Black Lodge
- All the dwarves dance really slowly and talk backwards a lot
- After weeks of detective work, Gandalf finally discovers that the Witch King's real name is "Bob."
- Faramir to Denethor, upon discovery of Boromir's body: "He's dead -- wrapped in plastic!"
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