Top 10 Ways To Know That You Are Obsessed With LOTR - The Fellow Dips
10. You stand on the side of the highway with a sign that reads "Mordor or bust!" hoping that a passing Fellowship will pick you up.
9. You pluck your eyebrows so that you look like an elf.
8. You desperately want a cave troll for a pet.
7. When the P.A. comes on in school you jump out of your seat and yell, "There is a fell voice on the air!" You then sit back down quietly and mutter to your neighbor, "We cannot stay here. This will be the death of the hobbits!"
6. You cry when Gandalf falls every time you see FOTR.
5. You think Gandalf looks good in grey.
4. You begin to eat more meals than normal, like 2nd breakfast and elevenses. (eleventies? one of the great mysteries of the universe since I don't remember from the books.)
3. You stab yourself in hopes that Arwen will come take you to Rivendell, too! ( or maybe Glorfindel )
2. You catch every insect you see and speak to it using what little Spanish you know, in hopes that an eagle will fly to your window and rescue you from endless hours of homework.
And the number one way to know you're obsessed with LOTR is:
1. You write and read lists that tell you how to know you're obsessed.
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