Top 14 Changes to the Fellowship under Jedi Influence - WBR, Jr.
14. Gandalf comes floating out of the chasm in Moria amidst stirring background music.
13. All the swords now hum when swung.
12. Aragorn explains, "Moria: you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villany. We must be cautious."
11. Gandalf uses an old Jedi mind trick to get back Frodo's mithril coat.
10. After Gollum falls into the cracks of Doom, he returns in LOTR IV as the mechanical Darth Precious.
9. Gimli keeps muttering, "No reward is worth this."
8. After straying into a strange forest, natives appear and bow down, believing Bill the Pony to be their god.
7. The countryside around Bombadil's house looks suspiciously like Dagobah.
6. When Frodo and company try to enter Barliman's with their ponies, he yells: "We don't serve their kind in here
Your ponies--they'll have to wait outside."
5. Orcs riding wargs try to bring down a few ents with harpoons and towcables.
4. The only reason most people go to see LOTR V is to watch Bombadil fight with a willow branch.
3. When told he will have to shoot an arrow through a two-meter shaft from eagleback to destroy Barad-dur, Legolas exclaims, "That's impossible, even for an elf."
2. When Sam sees Hobbiton on fire in Galadriel's mirror, she says, "There's nothing you could have done, Sam. You'd have been killed too, and the ring would now be in the hands of the Ring Wraiths."
And the number-one change caused by Jedi influence:
1. When Gollum tries to get Frodo and Sam to enter the cave at Cirith Ungol, this dialogue follows:
Gollum: Your weapons--you will not need them.
Frodo: What's in there?
Gollum: Only what you take with you (and we wants it, my precious.)
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