10 Ways LOTR Would Be Different if Made by Disney - Keeper of Insanity
- The Balrog would be a cute, harmless mouse named Mickey
- When Strider gets crowned king, he stands on top of a huge rock with all the animals on the ground below, bowing before him
- Gandalf wouldn't have fallen in Moria (there is no more balrog, remember?)
- Bill the pony can talk!
- There would be a lot of songs
no, not soundtrack-type songs, sing-along songs!
- Arwen flies around the set on a magic carpet
- Gimli would sing "Hi-ho, hi-ho
- Frodo and Sam chase after a white rabbit, tumble down a tunnel, and end up in Mordor
- The Oliphaunt would wear a funny yellow hat and is able to fly with the help of a magic feather
- Treebeard teaches the meaning of 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' to Merry and Pippin
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