Top Ten Complaints Edited from LotR - Elfgirl89
10.Legolas is giving me headaches with his constant moaning about wanting to wash his hair.
9.Master Frodo, my feet are getting sore!
8.Man, I miss Arwen.
7.Want Fish, Want Fish, Want Fish, Want Fish, Gollum, Gollum, etc.
6.How come I'm your Mouth? Can't I be your missing finger or something?
5.Hobbits don't shriek in pain loud enough. Can we trade them for midget Dwarves, Ugluk?
4.You know, we might not ever return from this stupid expidition.
3.That's it, Halbarad. If we don't find Aragorn soon, I'm gonna go back home and tell Arwen he's dead.
2.Man, I have to go and there aren't any bushes.
And the number one complaint edited from the books is
1. You do know, don't you, that this is all my Uncle Bilbo's fault, right?
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