Top Ten Signs That You are a Tolkien Nut - Scooterdrama
1. More than 1/2 your favorite sites are Tolkien-related
2. The first thing you do when you get online is go to TORn
3. You try to start a Tolkien Club at school
4. In class, no matter what the subject, you work Tolkien into the discussion
5. You get mad that you can't find any way to work Tolkien into your MCAS essays
6. You get your boyfriend obsessed too
7. You read the entire LOTR trilogy every time a new movie comes out or you get
confused about part because you can't just read one book, you have to read the
whole thing
8. You email TORn to get the age down for the movie parties, because you are sad that
you won't be old enough to attend when the last movie comes out and/or gets its
9. Whenever you have a problem, you say "SamGam will help me"
…and the number one sign you are a Tolkien nut…
10. You almost cry when someone rips your Aragorn/Arwen bookmark in half
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