Top Ten Reasons the Other Istari Vanished - LKO'D
10. Fell off sheer precipice at end of world/end of map
9. Got in wizard fight, sent each other spinning out of Arda
8. Still arguing over which one is "The Blue"
7. Sauron've pits don't allow outgoing mail
6. Punished by gods for trying "circumnavigation sneak" route into
Blessed Realm
5. Eastern Balrogs even nastier
4. Without nearby charming Shire to save, lost motivation
3. Discovered Saruman's treachery; now pushing up daisies in Orthanc
2. Figured Radagast would save the world anyway
.... and the Number One Reason the Other Istari Vanished:
1. Partying with the Entwives
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