Top Ten LotR Themed Pez Dispensers and Their Candies - Barliman’s regulars Cervante, Cordelia, Merry_Brandybuck, Nia, EienAi, and Tookish
10. Gollum - Fish shaped and flavored
9. Saruman - Orthanc shape, candies are tiny multicolored jawbreakers
8. Treebeard - Small, leafy, entdraught-flavored candy
7. Sam - Looks like a sausage, tastes like ale
6. Nagzul - Clear dispenser, candy tastes like fear
5. Pippin - Shape of a pint, tastes like Farmer Maggot’s mushrooms
4. Boromir - Horn shape, tastes like cram
3. Galadriel - mallorn shaped, Lembas flavored
2. Elrond - Celtic weave dispenser, candy tastes VERY old
…and the number one LotR themeb Pez dispenser & candy:
1. Frodo - Ring shaped, tastes bitter but compels the bearer to continue eating them
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