You might be a Hobbit if.... - CysterCat
You might be a Hobbit if.... (pure Cystercat original musings...)
You are scared to go on adventures, but will do so anyway if a wizard asks you.
You will risk the wrath of dogs just to get some mushrooms.
You don't need shoes to keep your feet warm.
You like to eat six meals a day. (I know a few hobbits!)
You like to smoke a pipe after every meal and tell stories and recite poetry. (How did they ever find time to work?)
You give presents on your birthday.
You have friends you refer to as the "Big People".
You are often shy around Big People.
People refer to you as a Halfling.
You dislike getting in boats (unless you are a Brandybuck).
A small dagger could be your sword.
You have to ride a pony because a horse is too big.
You worry because you didn't bring rope on your adventure.
If you venture outside the boundaries of your land, you are considered strange.
You get in all kinds of trouble, but there is always a wizard, Ent, Elf or other being to pull you out of trouble.
Fourteen strange dwarfs can come to your hobbit hole and start eating your food, and you will run yourself ragged trying to be a good host, rather than ask for an explanation.
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