Ten Changes to LOTR if made by Quest from the Holy Grail Fans - W.R.
10. An orc follows each Black Rider banging two halves of a coconut together
9. Instead of saying "Elbereth," Frodo now says "Ni."
8. Sauron is a white bunny.
7. Gandalf never ceases in conjuring fire.
6. Gandalf drags Durin’s Bane back to Valinor claiming that he has found a winged Balrog. The Balrog later explains that those aren’t his real wings and that Gandalf has dressed him up in false ones.
5. Instead of a white tree, Aragorn finds...a shrubbery.
4. Wormtongue has an outrageous French accent.
3. The orcs build this large wooden oliphaunt….
2. When Aragorn claims the kingship, the Gondorians explain to him that they are now an autonomous collective. Aragorn then shows them his sword and explains its history, but they reply, "Broken swords are no basis for a system of government."
And the number one change to the LOTR if made by ‘Quest for the Holy Grail’ fans…
Saruman has only to cross a bridge to get the One Ring, but an old man asks him his favorite color. He hastily responds with "white" and falls into a pit.