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The Twelve Days of Christmas -- LOTR Style - ballistic_4_Billy and Chica

On the first day of Christmas Tolkien gave to me --

A Dark Lord to rule over thee.

On the second day of Christmas Tolkien gave to me --

Two Graying Wizards, and a Dark Lord to rule over thee.

On the third day of Christmas Tolkien gave to me --

Three stone-cold trolls, two graying wizards, and a Dark Lord to rule over thee.

On the forth day of Christmas Tolkien gave to me --

Four happy hobbits, three stone cold trolls, two graying wizards, and a Dark Lord to rule over thee.

On the fifth day of Christmas Tolkien gave to me --

Five Pippin blunders, four happy hobbits, three stone-cold trolls, two graying wizards, and a Dark Lord to rule over thee.

On the sixth day of Christmas Tolkien gave to me --

Six names for Strider, five Pippin blunders, four happy hobbits...

On the seventh day of Christmas Tolkien gave to me --

Seven swords a swiping, six names for Strider...

On the eighth day of Christmas Tolkien gave to me --

Eight Elven cloaks, seven swords a swiping...

On the ninth day of Christmas Tolkien gave to me --

Nine Ringwraiths riding, eight Elven cloaks...

On the tenth day of Christmas Tolkien gave to me --

Ten orcs to fight, nine Ringwraiths riding...

On the eleventh day of Christmas Tolkien gave to me --

Elven braids on Gimli, ten orcs to fight...

On the twelfth day of Christmas Tolkien gave to me --

Twelve Rohan Guards, elven braids on Gimli, ten orcs to fight, nine Ringwraiths riding, eight Elven cloaks, seven swords a swiping, six names for Strider, five Pippin blunders, four happy hobbits, three stone-cold trolls, two graying Wizards... and a Dark Lord to rule over thee!

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