Elrond Told You Not to Com - Eledhwen
Elrond Told You Not to Come sung by Gandalf to Pippin as the cross Rohan on Shadowfax, to the tune "Mama Told Me Not to Come" by Tome Jones and the Stereophonics
Put some entwash in your water, lembas in your tea,
Whats all these crazy questions you are asking me?
This is the most curious hobbit there could ever be,
(Dont fall off the horse, cos I dont wanna stop.)
Elrond told you not to come,
Elrond told you not to come,
He said, "That aint a way to have fun, son."
He opened up the window, let a crystal fall,
I thought that it was nothing until I picked it up.
And the pictures that you saw there did scare you half to death,
Hold on tight, but let me catch my breath!
Elrond told you not to come,
Elrond told you not to come,
He said, "That aint a way to have fun, son.
That aint a way to have fun, son."
[Musical interlude; envisage Gandalf and Pippin bopping as they ride]
The horn of Helm was blasting, the ents knocked down the doors,
Looking at Saruman, he just passed out on the floor.
You seen so many things you aint never seen before;
Dont know what it is, but you still want to know more!
Elrond told you not to come,
Elrond told you not to come,
He said, "That aint a way to have fun, son.
That aint a way to have fun, son."
[Repeat chorus]
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