You Might be a Wood-elf If - Spork
- you think Manwe is a type of sloppy joe sauce.
- you think a High Elf is one of your kinsmen after having smoked
too much pipeweed.
- you think the Lay of Earendil is how Elrond and Elros came into the
- you like moonshine and grits with your lembas.
- you accidentally used the Mirror of Galadriel for a spittoon.
- you needed stitches because you were picking your teeth with the
point of your arrow.
- you saw a palantir and wondered where the three finger holes were.
- you insist on sticking your hand in your armpit and making fart
noises when singing the Lay of Nimrodel
- you go to Rohan to pick up dates, but it's not because of the
people there.
- you ever bent over and had a part of your anatomy mistaken for the
Crack of Doom.
- you know what a giant spider tastes like.
- you once saw an orc that you thought was "kinda cute."
- you ever got whacked because you tried to use an Ent to scratch
your back.
- you ever offended someone through an inaccurate use of the phrase
"hobbit hole."
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