JRR Tolkien : Myth and Legend
JRR Tolkien : Myth and Legend
JRR Tolkien : Myth and Legend JRR Tolkien : Myth and Legend
JRR Tolkien : Myth and Legend
JRR Tolkien : Myth and Legend
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... [ Green Books ]
Tolkien 2000 Contest
Excerpt by Jerry Belcher Serious Ending: Second Place

Well here we were at last. The mountain of fire or Mt. Doom as master Frodo calls it. As i stand and look at this great pinnacle of doom I wonder how we all made it here to begin with. Poor master Frodo can hardly walk, that poor wretch smeagol is always whining about orcs or some other cheerful business and yours truly, Sam Gamgee just plain misses home and my Gaffer.

"Smeagol, its your turn to help carry master for awhile. My back is absolutley killing me" i said with grimace. Smeagol gave me a lopsided grin and started towards frodo. "And dont drop him like last time, you ninny hammer" I will remember on my deathbed when me and Smeagol had to work together and scale down a cliff after Frodo. You see Smeagol dropped Frodo when we were climbing through the the morgai. I still lie awake each night and wonder if smeagol is doing this for love or if he has a hidden agenda.


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