JRR Tolkien : Myth and Legend
JRR Tolkien : Myth and Legend
JRR Tolkien : Myth and Legend JRR Tolkien : Myth and Legend
JRR Tolkien : Myth and Legend
JRR Tolkien : Myth and Legend
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... [ Green Books ]
Tolkien 2000 Contest
Excerpt by David Laughlin Serious Ending: First Place

...time and the hopeless journey wore away. Upon the fourth day from the Cross Roads the Aragorn's company halted suddenly in the woods north of Osgiliath. The bodyguard tensed in anticipation. A growing rustle began in the woods to the East above the sound of wind in the trees. Several hooves crashed like thunderbolts toward Aragorn.

Being the sharpest of ear, Legolas had strung his arrow before the men of Gondor could react. His bow sang as an elf rider rode with abandon into the arrows path. He was shot to the ground as three Easterlings emerged behind him, startled to find an army where their lone target had been. The Dunedain persued them as they fled to the wood. Legolas, with Aragorn with Gandalf behind him, was cradling his ill-fortuned kinsman, a cousin from the great northern forest. As he spent out the last of his life upon the path, the elf declared himself the an ambassador extraordinary form the north.


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