JRR Tolkien : Myth and Legend
JRR Tolkien : Myth and Legend
JRR Tolkien : Myth and Legend JRR Tolkien : Myth and Legend
JRR Tolkien : Myth and Legend
JRR Tolkien : Myth and Legend
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... [ Green Books ]
Tolkien 2000 Contest


Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Announcing TheOneRing.net™'s newest contest for Tolkien fans great and small. This time, you get to play The Professor! The contest: rewrite the ending to The Lord of the Rings. We challenge you to write your own ending to the beloved tale in one of two contest categories, SERIOUS or HUMOROUS. First place prizes will be awarded for BOTH categories, and the top two essays of each category will be posted on the site.

Prizes Provided by Houghton Mifflin

Rules: 1. One entry per person
2. Each entry must be clearly labeled "Humorous" or "Serious"
3. Submissions may be written from any point in the book
4. Submissions may be of any length
5. Entries must be received by the submission date (listed below)
Rule clarifications will be posted as needed
The ruling of the judges is final (for additional rules, please refer to the fine print section of the contest page)
Date: The contest will open January 5, 2000 - January 31, 2000
No late entries accepted after midnight EST of January 31, 2000
Essays will be judged as soon as possible
How to Enter: Email Nob your submissions to nob@theonering.net Make sure your email contains the word "Humorous" or "Serious" depending on your entry
Prizes: Each winner will receive:


For the Humorous Entry winner:

For the Serious Entry winner:

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