Goldberry Tarts - By Christolena Greenleaf
One of Tom Bombadil's Favorites!
About 1 dozen strawberries quartered
About 1 cup of blueberries
1 Package of Pastry Sheets
2 prepackaged cups of vanilla pudding
2 Tablespoons of honey
Thaw out pastry sheets and preheat oven to 400? (or if different on box follow that). Wash and cut strawberries into quarters. (Hint: using a thick straw you can push out the bitter core and top of the strawberry to make a clean hole through the middle)
Next, mix cut strawberries and blue berries with vanilla pudding and honey. Refrigerate until needed. Bake the pastry sheets for about 12 minutes until they puff up golden. Carefully take out sheets and open each piece in half. Using the berry and pudding mix, fill the middle of the puff pastry with about two spoonfuls of the berries. Return to oven and bake about 2 to 3 minutes. Take the tarts out and cool for about a minute then sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve!
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