Bittersweet - By Joy Marsh
Gazing upon the western shores
the wind blows voices from across the sea.
A faint sound rises from the mist.
It echoes with the music of long ago.
My heart is beating, with unnatural rhythm,
existing there, in eternity
fading here, I will take the last ship.
I will bear my memories over the sea,
of our awakening under the stars,
to the fateful diminish upon these lands.
So many have already crossed,
as the last of the Noldor have sailed away.
Lingering here, now I stand apart, as
I board the last white ship, from the gulf,
to the promise of the undying lands.
So bittersweet is my song, the
tears sting, as they fall from my face.
I look back with a heavy heart,
just a glance, is all I can endure,
never to see, these shores again.
The guardian of the Havens
sails, to the ancient west
leaving Middle-earth
to the Dominion of Men.
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