Daeron's Musings - By Allison B.
A, Lúthien! My love betrayed!
What madness possessed me?
When you came to me trusting
And I gave your secrets away.
Forgive me,
As I had to tell Thingol!
Out of love, and out of fear.
Fear that you, my love, would leave
And your beauty depart forever.
So I told; I betrayed.
I can still see the hurt in your eyes
When you looked at me;
It was torment to bear.
But then you were locked up;
A nightingale in a cage
All because of me.
You then sang no more.
My heart was in two
To see you captured this way;
While I knew that I was to blame.
Yet you forgave me still.
And you called me your friend.
Yet somehow that was worse;
Love undeserved than hatred well-earned.
And then you left me forever.
After the man who captured your heart.
So I left those woods singing sorrowfully;
Unable to bear life without you.
O! To do it over again!
I would not betray you,
But lend you my aid,
Although my heart would wrench in two.
Yet better that than this guilt!
A! Lúthien! Beauty now forever past!
I shall never again gaze into your eyes.
I will sing until I pass away
Of Lúthien my love betrayed.
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