Mirror on Middle Earth
By Fangorn
Pour the water and breathe upon
A picture of life that's come and gone
And all the future there is to see
The visions in water are yet to be
A friends' dear face, lined with grief
The wilting of a Willow's leaf
The bright blue eyes of Lordly Elf
And Samwise' loyal giving self
These pictures pass before my eyes
The Art of Arda makes me wise
Inside my lingering heart I fear
These images hold life so clear
The light of Star-kindler from afar
Leads us to crossroads where we are
Challenged by Ring and Spider and Wraith
Swirling sights that challenge my faith
Pictures of Middle-earth hold sway
Of how I live from day to day
Not even a threat of going blind
Can erase these pictures from my mind
For here is a world that pierces heart
Surpasses all my visions of art
A texture so rich that I can touch
A picture inside me I love so much
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